Hey y’all! Today I am going to be sharing with you
guys how I organize my desk! Hopefully, this can help you organize your own
So here is where I
spend majority of my time during the school and yes even a good portion of the
1. I don’t know if you can tell but the (1) is on a
little box. I have had this since I got this desk in the third grade and have
never figured out the use for it but now I have found something it is good for!
Post its! They really come in handy. I really don’t use them that much but they
are great to write down quotes and Bible verses I come across. They are great
for little reminders, like blog posts! Here’s a look inside!
2. Here is my little chest of drawers. I just got this
container around the beginning of the school year. You find these just about
anywhere like Target or Wal- Mart. In the top drawer I put chalk (for my
chalkboard attached to my desk!) The second drawer is full of wires! It has
just about all of my headphones in there and two phone chargers. It isn’t all
that organized but it’s better than having them all over my room. The third
drawer is pretty random. It has extra erasers, binder clips, and my name
labels. I have these labels for forever. I just recently found them again and
now they are in an easy accessible spot.
3. This
drawer holds just about everything like notebooks, phone cases, paperclips, a
dictionary and some stationary! I am constantly cleaning this drawer up because
it can get so junky in such a short amount of time.
4. This
bigger drawer doesn’t hold as much, but what it does hold is important. I keep
my Bibles and devotion book in here. Along with that, I have a portfolio that
holds the past units we have gone over in Civics class and some information I
have gotten in the mail from colleges (you never know if you’ll need it later!)
It also has notebooks and a clipboard!
5. My
desk has a keyboard drawer but since I obviously have a laptop I had to find
another use for it. I keep my SAT prep book there, my kindle, and my Algebra 2
book there. I know why don’t I have my textbook in my backpack? My class
doesn’t use it. It is great to have at home for reference!
6. I
keep my Vera Bradley laptop bag close by so I can get my laptop out of the way
and focus on my homework instead of surfing the web. Before I got this for
Christmas, I just put it on my bed and sometimes would forget I did (I sleep on
the other side) and hear it in the middle of the night falling off which always
gave me a heart attack.
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