Saturday, July 6, 2013

Exercise Routine

It's very easy to get out of the habit of exercising one we get into the summer holidays, yet this is the time of the year when we want to look our best whether we are wearing our swim suits at the beach or chilling out in our shorts.

Below is a simple but effective exercise regime that takes only 30-40 minutes a day!

Three to four times a week, perform a cardio-based exercise such as cycling, running or swimming for 30-40 minutes. Then 2-3 times a week complete a strength based circuit

1.Tuck ups
Lie down on your back, then simultaneously lift your chest and legs up at the same time so you are in a tucked position, balancing on your bum. Then lower down onto your back again. That is one rep. 3x 15 reps

2. Pliè rises 
Stand with your legs wide apart and your feet turned out. Slowly rise up onto your tippy toes and then back down. This is one rep. 3x 25 reps

3. Tricep dips
Find a chair and facing away from it, place your hands in front of you. Walk your feet out so that your elbows are bent a bit. Then slowly bend your arms and lower yourself to the floor and straighten your arms. This is one rep. To simplify this exercise, do it with bent not straight legs. 3x12 reps

4. Leg taps 
Lie down on your back, bend one knee, and place this foot on the floor for balance. Then with the the other leg, keeping it straight and toes pointed, lift a few inches off the ground and tap by moving it up very slightly. Each tap (up and down) is a rep. 100 on each leg

5. Vertical sit ups
Lie down with your legs up a wall and bum against the wall (legs can be bent if necessary), then perform the standard sit up motion with your upper body, being sure to keep you arms and head still. One sit up is one rep. 3x13 reps

Will you do these exercises?


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